Metro (301) 261-2655
Fax (410) 280-3675
209 West Street, Suite 204, Annapolis, MD 21401
Audit Readiness Programs
Mainstay's Audit Readiness Programs for Information Systems provide our Clients with assurance that their technology environments will meet the rigorous standards applied during audits conducted by internal or external information systems auditors. These services include a comprehensive identification and modeling of business processes, management organization, and LAN/WAN mapping of areas affected by controls, review processes and audits. Audit Readiness Programs cover all IT domains. The results of these programs provide our Clients with key observations, recommendations, and conclusions. In many cases, our Clients request specific follow-on services to develop internal control mechanisms which form the core management resources needed to manage IT security (e.g. security policy and procedures, disaster recovery plans).
Key Benefits
Security Awareness Program Design/Development Mainstay Training Professionals have extensive experience in the development of both Federal and Private Sector Security Awareness Programs. These programs have met the requirements of existing Plans/Policies and Procedures. Risk AssessmentsFederal and Public/Private Sector experience in the conduct of quantitative Risk Assessments and Cost Benefit Analysis. Plan/Policy/Procedure Review/DevelopmentMainstay Analyst have extensive experience in the review, development and implementation of organizational Plans/Policies/Procedures. This experience is in the Federal, Public, and Private Sectors. Disaster Recovery PlanningMainstay Analysts have experience in the design, development and implementation of the Disaster Recovery Planning Process. This process will provide Process Overview, Team Organization, Plan Maintenance, and Plan Exercise. Facility/Site ReviewFederal and Public/Private Sector experience in facility review, evaluation, and design for a safe, secure and mission enhancing working environment. Architecture Review/EnhancementMainstay Engineers and Analysts have designed, developed, installed and maintained Federal, Public and Private Sector system architecture. They are experienced with both classified as well as sensitive but unclassified system architecture. Countermeasure Review/RecommendationMainstay Engineers and Analysts working as a team have designed, developed, implemented and maintained countermeasures that are cost effective and mission enhancing allowing for a safe and secure work environment. They understand the criticality of Federal, Public and Private Sector infrastructures and the information processed or contained therein. Federal RegulationsMainstay Engineers and Analysts are well versed in all applicable Federal Regulations, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures. |